Saturday 14 January 2017


Hello, people!

WOOWIE, it has been a WHILE since I posted anything here. Welp, I was pretty busy after all. :]

Oh and yep, I made a new dA account. Sadly, I'm also inactive there too. But! I became even more active on Instagram. Presumably because it's a phone app and such but I think it's quite good!

Plus, Cerere is there too. :3

Gaaah, I'd like to apologize for not putting much effort on this post like the previous ones. I'm just too lazy to think of a proper-written post. XD

Remember when I said I'll be posting stories on Wattpad? Yeaaah, that idea was scrapped too. :]

ENOUGH TALKING! Here's my Instagram profile:

Follow me to see frequent content! Or probably I might post weekly. Eh, depends. XD



P.P.S It was my brother. HAhAh.

P.P.P.S I think I need to calm down.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Continuing on Wattpad

Hello, everyone! From this day and forward, I'll be posting my stories on Wattpad. Yes, I have changed my mind twice about rejoining Wattpad and it got ridiculous afterwards. >_<

So, I have finally made a final and precise decision that I'll be continuing on Wattpad. However, this website will stay up. I may choose to shut it down or not but, who knows? O^O

By the way, my username is PingWritesSomething. (I couldn't come up with a username. Forgive me.) You may visit my Wattpad profile to read my stories. ^_^

And if you don't want to leave your pretty fingers in agony while searching for my profile, you can click this link instead.

Yah. I'll see you all there!


Thursday 20 October 2016

My Halloween Fanart

Heyo, everyone! Apologies for barely posting anything lately. Things has gotten quite tight and complicated. To keep this blog full and active (or probably the other way around), I've decided to post my latest fanart.

Gosh, it has been a long time since I've drawn something with my tablet. I almost forgot how to use it, which would be devastating to me...

Also, I got pretty interested with one-layered painting. All you have to do is paint on one layer (It depends on your method. If you can't draw on one single layer, then I suggest you should stick with your own drawing technique) and BAM! Done! Oh, I sometimes colour and blend with the sketch. Before doing that, I made sure the sketch's colour matches the environment so that it won't get messy. Example: The background's dark blue so I sketched my drawing with a colour that's close to blue.

If you're fatigued with reading a paragraph combined with a bunch of illogical nonsense that I also barely understand, here's the fanart.

Sadly, I didn't make a speedpaint video because it would consume a lot of time and memory size. (Seriously. An hour video actually consumed 1 GB) And yes, I know that the drawing is pretty messy. I didn't clean up the sketch properly and the colouring is pretty out of place. I'll try to improve next time.

I guess that's all from me, everyone. If you want to check out more drawings made by me, you can check out either my Twitter account or my deviantART. (I'm apparently even more active on Twitter because of...reasons)


Tuesday 13 September 2016

Returning to the Twitter Community

Hello, everyone!

Yup! I have decided to return to the Twitter community. At first, I thought quitting Twitter would literally help me focus on studying and other stuff but actually, it didn't. I felt lonely because usually, my phone would vibrate in every 2 seconds to notify me that there was a notification and everything suddenly became boring.

So, yeah. I eventually came back to the community. My new username is PingWasHere.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter. I'll make sure to post some interesting tweets daily. :D

Thursday 8 September 2016

The Doodleguins: Banana's Character Concept

Hello, everyone!

Recently, I made a concept drawing based with one of the main characters of the comic which is Banana. I know, I should've made the concept art right before implementing Banana on my later drawings. .-.

I added a colour palette just in case I forget. Banana's shirt can be confusing sometimes. (I think I coloured the stripes on her shirt on the wrong order. Woops!)

If you're wondering what's her bracelet's for, it's the item that she uses to transform. Because she's not an actual Doodleguin, she'll need something to adapt herself with the others principally the environment on the Doodleguins realm. (Still working on an official name for each dimensions.) Apparently, Banana can only shape shift into living creatures whilst the other Doodleguins can only transform into objects.

Sunday 4 September 2016

How to Draw Penguins (Video Tutorial)

Hi everyone. Sorry for the late post. I was quite busy lately. The midterm exams are coming and I don't think I'll have enough time to keep the blog up to date. o^o

A few days ago, I uploaded a video based with a tutorial how to/I draw penguins. Apparently, it's my first tutorial and if you spotted any mistakes, please let me know so that I can improve my next videos.

In this tutorial, you will be learning how to draw penguins facing one direction. I kind of rushed it and I couldn't make different penguins facing different ways, which will explain what the grin lines are actually for. :/

If you have any suggestions, you can either leave them below or you can submit it on the video's comments section. Thanks for watching!

Saturday 27 August 2016

The Doodleguins: The 5 Eras

Alice: Isn't it impressive, Ara?

Arana: You can repeat that again.

Alice: Seeing penguins fighting each other, not realizing there's someone waiting for them.

Arana: And fighting each other just to claim a title. Well, as a fellow gemstone-named warrior, I'm not admitting that the gemstone titles are priceless. I just couldn't believe they would obliterate their relatives and friends just for that.

Alice: I thought you're the one who came up with the gemstone warrior concept.

Arana: Yes until it was changed by someone who thinks it's funny.

Alice: Hey, hey, I wasn't expecting people to take it for granted.

Arana: Everyone else thought it was a pretty compulsory rule. So, there you go. Chaos emerged everywhere.

Alice: Don't think of it that way. Remember? In the past was a lot more worse than today.

Arana: Precisely.

Alice: In this world, there are 4 recognized eras. The first one is the Golden Era when everything was peaceful, happy, and joyful. It's obvious that everyone enjoyed this era. Not a single catastrophe was mentioned. For the ones who were born during this era, they're very lucky.

Arana: And furthermore is the Misty Era. There was still happiness and joy in this era. However, a lot of incidents started to happen on different places. Everyone wasn't that worried apparently until the next era came...

Alice: Yes. The third era is the Blood Era. Everyone was glad that this era was finally over. There were no peace during this era but war. Blood and screams can be heard everywhere. It wasn't easy for people to evacuate because war emerged almost everywhere.

Arana: I'm just very grateful that Banana wasn't born on that era. If she did, she wouldn't survive it.

Alice: Hm...I suppose you're right, Ara. Eventually, we have the Silent Era. This era was simply named because of its situation; silent and...very silent, which is today. There aren't many tragedies happening but everyone is aware. There is still no happiness because a lot of people was depressed seeing their relatives died on the previous era. I feel sorry for you, Ara; loosing both of your twin sisters. It was practically their own fault as well.

Arana: However you forgot one more era.

Alice: Oh really? Then what is it?

Arana: The Glowing Era. Yes, should I repeat it again? In this era, all deceased warriors will rise and gather together to defeat YOU. Even though our hopes were destroyed, we're not giving up our destinies to obliterate the irrelevant.

Alice: *chuckles* Let me tell you something. I'm not the one who you should go after. Apparently, there is still someone else who is a lot more twisted than I am. He is the one who started this catastrophe in the first place. Defeating me is only going to bring misery and pain. I suggest you should change your target or suffer.