Thursday 20 October 2016

My Halloween Fanart

Heyo, everyone! Apologies for barely posting anything lately. Things has gotten quite tight and complicated. To keep this blog full and active (or probably the other way around), I've decided to post my latest fanart.

Gosh, it has been a long time since I've drawn something with my tablet. I almost forgot how to use it, which would be devastating to me...

Also, I got pretty interested with one-layered painting. All you have to do is paint on one layer (It depends on your method. If you can't draw on one single layer, then I suggest you should stick with your own drawing technique) and BAM! Done! Oh, I sometimes colour and blend with the sketch. Before doing that, I made sure the sketch's colour matches the environment so that it won't get messy. Example: The background's dark blue so I sketched my drawing with a colour that's close to blue.

If you're fatigued with reading a paragraph combined with a bunch of illogical nonsense that I also barely understand, here's the fanart.

Sadly, I didn't make a speedpaint video because it would consume a lot of time and memory size. (Seriously. An hour video actually consumed 1 GB) And yes, I know that the drawing is pretty messy. I didn't clean up the sketch properly and the colouring is pretty out of place. I'll try to improve next time.

I guess that's all from me, everyone. If you want to check out more drawings made by me, you can check out either my Twitter account or my deviantART. (I'm apparently even more active on Twitter because of...reasons)



  1. aa! i just saw this, and I can't believe you did it on one layer. O.O
