Thursday 8 September 2016

The Doodleguins: Banana's Character Concept

Hello, everyone!

Recently, I made a concept drawing based with one of the main characters of the comic which is Banana. I know, I should've made the concept art right before implementing Banana on my later drawings. .-.

I added a colour palette just in case I forget. Banana's shirt can be confusing sometimes. (I think I coloured the stripes on her shirt on the wrong order. Woops!)

If you're wondering what's her bracelet's for, it's the item that she uses to transform. Because she's not an actual Doodleguin, she'll need something to adapt herself with the others principally the environment on the Doodleguins realm. (Still working on an official name for each dimensions.) Apparently, Banana can only shape shift into living creatures whilst the other Doodleguins can only transform into objects.

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