Saturday 27 August 2016

The Doodleguins: The 5 Eras

Alice: Isn't it impressive, Ara?

Arana: You can repeat that again.

Alice: Seeing penguins fighting each other, not realizing there's someone waiting for them.

Arana: And fighting each other just to claim a title. Well, as a fellow gemstone-named warrior, I'm not admitting that the gemstone titles are priceless. I just couldn't believe they would obliterate their relatives and friends just for that.

Alice: I thought you're the one who came up with the gemstone warrior concept.

Arana: Yes until it was changed by someone who thinks it's funny.

Alice: Hey, hey, I wasn't expecting people to take it for granted.

Arana: Everyone else thought it was a pretty compulsory rule. So, there you go. Chaos emerged everywhere.

Alice: Don't think of it that way. Remember? In the past was a lot more worse than today.

Arana: Precisely.

Alice: In this world, there are 4 recognized eras. The first one is the Golden Era when everything was peaceful, happy, and joyful. It's obvious that everyone enjoyed this era. Not a single catastrophe was mentioned. For the ones who were born during this era, they're very lucky.

Arana: And furthermore is the Misty Era. There was still happiness and joy in this era. However, a lot of incidents started to happen on different places. Everyone wasn't that worried apparently until the next era came...

Alice: Yes. The third era is the Blood Era. Everyone was glad that this era was finally over. There were no peace during this era but war. Blood and screams can be heard everywhere. It wasn't easy for people to evacuate because war emerged almost everywhere.

Arana: I'm just very grateful that Banana wasn't born on that era. If she did, she wouldn't survive it.

Alice: Hm...I suppose you're right, Ara. Eventually, we have the Silent Era. This era was simply named because of its situation; silent and...very silent, which is today. There aren't many tragedies happening but everyone is aware. There is still no happiness because a lot of people was depressed seeing their relatives died on the previous era. I feel sorry for you, Ara; loosing both of your twin sisters. It was practically their own fault as well.

Arana: However you forgot one more era.

Alice: Oh really? Then what is it?

Arana: The Glowing Era. Yes, should I repeat it again? In this era, all deceased warriors will rise and gather together to defeat YOU. Even though our hopes were destroyed, we're not giving up our destinies to obliterate the irrelevant.

Alice: *chuckles* Let me tell you something. I'm not the one who you should go after. Apparently, there is still someone else who is a lot more twisted than I am. He is the one who started this catastrophe in the first place. Defeating me is only going to bring misery and pain. I suggest you should change your target or suffer.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Animation Test (Transformation)

I have always wanted to animate something, ever since I found out you can animate with Photoshop and other programs. I installed Adobe Animate CC and I've successfully made my first animation!

It's not a proper animation but a test. I was too lazy to clean up the sketch either.

I animated Mint transforming into 2 objects. It seems that the bouncing part after he turned into a ball is a fail because I didn't animate the bouncing movement accurately. Well, it's my first time animating. XD

I wish I can purchase Adobe Animate CC. It's a very good and easy program to use. ;-;

I might do more animations in the future. PROPER animations, if I'm not lazy enough. I might also do an animation of all Doodleguins transforming into a certain object.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

The Blue Warrior

Yep. I have uploaded another time-lapsed video based with my latest drawing 'The Blue Warrior'. I know that the lineart is quite messy. Well, more than 'quite messy'. I was too lazy to clean up the sketch.

Here's the drawing:

A lot of people mentioned that she looked exactly like Banana but with a different hairstyle. Well, that's obvious statement because she's one of Banana's older sisters.

Here's some more information about the character: Her name is Faryal. She's the twin sister of Feryal. She's mostly known as the blue warrior which is now, apparently, deceased same with Feryal. Her death is assumed to be an 'accident' due to it was her own fault. (I'll also explain more about the gemstone-named warriors in the future) Faryal wielded a ribbon-bladed sword.

You can check out my deviantART page to see more drawings from me. I guess that's all for this post. Bye!

Sunday 21 August 2016

The Doodleguins: An Upcoming Comic

Hola, everyone. I know that I already posted an announcement stating that I will be making a traditional comic called 'The Doodleguins'. I thought that would be a great idea because traditional art is easy, quick, and I don't need to colour the drawings.

However, a problem suddenly hit my head; the comics aren't that interesting. Plus, I got pretty lazy too. That is why I've decided to replace the old comics with a new one.

The whole comic's plot is still going to be based with the Doodleguins but the story is different. Instead of humour, I've decided to add a bit of adventure into the comic. I also added more characters instead of only starring 4 characters per page.

I came up with a squad called the Doodlemare which is the opposite version of the Doodleguins. Apparently, there are only 2 members which are Black Butterfly (the enormous butterfly-kind penguin on the teaser) and Deer Rider.

Here's a concept of Deer Rider by Juvy1.

When will the first page of the comic be published? 
I can't really predict when but it'll be published very soon. :)

Will you publish the comic here?
Of course! However, instead of uploading it on a page, I'll make a post instead.

If you want to know more information, you may submit your questions on the comments section. You can also add some suggestions that would help me improve the comic's plot.

Thursday 18 August 2016


"Silly old Ping, going back and forth changing her blogs. Will she ever find out her final decision?"

Well, it seems that I have changed my mind and came back to Blogger. A while ago, I announced that I'll start using Weebly. In my opinion, Weebly's very good. You can modify your post's template anyway you like. However, I always have this feeling that made me decide to use Blogger again and yup, I'm right here.

And yes, I'm no longer that person who goes back and forth catching up with the latest updates that are happening on Club Penguin. Well on this website, I will be publishing various of posts like stories, drawings, and many more. You'll rarely find any Club Penguin cheats here apparently.

So, there's nothing much to say on this post. Oh and don't forget to check out my deviantART page to see more drawings from me. I sometimes post my drawings here too but I'm more often online there.

Stay tuned for more posts.