Sunday 21 August 2016

The Doodleguins: An Upcoming Comic

Hola, everyone. I know that I already posted an announcement stating that I will be making a traditional comic called 'The Doodleguins'. I thought that would be a great idea because traditional art is easy, quick, and I don't need to colour the drawings.

However, a problem suddenly hit my head; the comics aren't that interesting. Plus, I got pretty lazy too. That is why I've decided to replace the old comics with a new one.

The whole comic's plot is still going to be based with the Doodleguins but the story is different. Instead of humour, I've decided to add a bit of adventure into the comic. I also added more characters instead of only starring 4 characters per page.

I came up with a squad called the Doodlemare which is the opposite version of the Doodleguins. Apparently, there are only 2 members which are Black Butterfly (the enormous butterfly-kind penguin on the teaser) and Deer Rider.

Here's a concept of Deer Rider by Juvy1.

When will the first page of the comic be published? 
I can't really predict when but it'll be published very soon. :)

Will you publish the comic here?
Of course! However, instead of uploading it on a page, I'll make a post instead.

If you want to know more information, you may submit your questions on the comments section. You can also add some suggestions that would help me improve the comic's plot.